Hot Water Heater Service | Maintenance Service
The average life of a Water Heater can be anywhere from 6 to 12 years. You can prolong the life of your Hot Water system by doing routine maintenance. There are major benefits to getting a Water Heater Maintenance Service including increasing efficiency, saving money in the long run, and decreasing the chance of a costly breakdown.
Water Heater Preventive Maintenance | Los Angeles Plumber
To keep your Water Heater running properly and efficiently you should perform the following Maintenance Procedures Annually:
- Check the temperature and pressure relief valve on your Hot Water Heater. Make sure the valve is functioning; use the operating manual for the correct procedures to perform, this is not one of the times to just "wing it"! If the valve does not work, have it replaced immediately.
- Check the temperature gauge on the boiler of your Tankless Water Heater system. Check the operating instructions to determine the correct temperature setting.
- Inspect the exhaust stack on gas fired Hot Water Heaters to ensure that all pipe connections are secure and free of rust, corrosion, and obstructions.
To keep your Water Heater running properly and efficiently you should perform the following Maintenance Procedures Semi-Annually:
- As Water is pumped into your Water Heater Tank dirt, sediment and various minerals settle on the bottom of your Water Heater Tank. These extra "ingredients" can add up and alter your Water Heater's efficiency making your Water Heater work harder then it should. If left unchecked it can allow your Tank to rust and slowly be eaten away, until you need to replace the entire unit. The above is simply preventable, again using the operating manual, open the Drain valve near the bottom of the Tank and Drain about 2 gallons of Water into a bucket/garden hose.
- Check the temperature setting on the Hot Water Heater with Tank. If it is above 120°F or 140°F, or if your Dishwasher does not have its own Heating element, you are wasting energy and increasing the risk of you or a family member being scalded by Hot Water.